Read more about the article Fins-Neder­landse match­making op het World Circular Economy Forum (WCEF2019)
Venla Virkamäki, beleidsmedewerker Handel en Innovatie bij de Nederlandse Ambassade in Helsinki, met ZKH Prins Constantijn van Oranje-Nassau.

Fins-Neder­landse match­making op het World Circular Economy Forum (WCEF2019)

Finland en Nederland hebben zich relatief actief getoond in hun streven tot een transitie naar een meer circulaire economie. Ik sprak met Venla Virkamäki, beleidsmedewerker Handel en Innovatie bij de…

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Read more about the article Finnish-Dutch matchmaking at the World Circular Economy Forum (WCEF2019)
Venla Virkamäki, Policy Officer for Trade and Innovation at the Embassy of the Netherlands in Helsinki, with HRH Prince Constantijn van Oranje-Nassau.

Finnish-Dutch matchmaking at the World Circular Economy Forum (WCEF2019)

As far as countries go, Finland and the Netherlands have been relatively active in their pursuit of a transition towards a more circular economy. I talked with Venla Virkamäki, Policy Officer…

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The Landing Page Landing Page: explaining, building, and showing a landing page in action

The other day, as I was helping a customer to (1) plan, (2) build and (3) run her digital marketing & sales machine, she cut me short and asked: “So, Jos, can you send me an example of a landing page, so I can start tweaking it?” That's how I came up with the idea of the Landing Page Landing Page. I'll explain to you the purpose of a landing page, how to create one, and I'll show you my example in action.

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First we take the Netherlands, then we take…

Holland is the 4th largest trade partner for Finland and the 3rd most significant destination for Finnish exports. The Dutch market is also considered a natural step for many Finnish businesses on their way to enter larger, surrounding European markets. I am thrilled to contribute to the ‘Software from Finland to European markets’ programme as a coach in the areas of content excellence, inbound/allbound marketing, and internationalisation.

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You don’t get to choose your audience; your audience chooses you

How does a brand acquire an audience? Not just by fulfilling a need. Not even just because people fall in love with the product. A loyal audience, the first 1000 fans, fall in love with the company because of the people behind it. Because of the human story: their genius, their passion, their care, their courage, their integrity, intellectual honesty, their journey. But also: their flaws and failures.

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Why it’s hard for companies to go from level 2 to 3 (and what to do about it)

Many companies have a great opportunity to grow their business with a more integrated marketing & sales programme, whereby salespeople benefit from the intelligence that marketing gathers about leads, and marketing benefits from the intelligence that salespeople feed back from their conversations with customers and prospects.

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Love is underrated

In order to discover and formulate a focus and a strategy, businesses should identify (1) what their people (would) most love doing, (2) what they are – or could become – better at than anyone else, and (3) where market demand for their output is – and will be – the greatest. So, next time you iterate on the direction, positioning and focus of your business or brand, I suggest you take a good look at what your people love and could excel at.

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Tarvitseeko johto­ryhmäsi osata “tehdä” digitali­saatiota?

Ostoprosessi muuttuu niin radikaalisti, että myyntiprosessin täytyy kehittyä sen mukana. Palvelumuotoilu on viritettävä digitaaliseen markkinapaikkaan. Mittakaavatehokkuus muuttaa hinnoittelurakenteita ja synnyttää kokonaan uusia luokkia. Joten miten tämä ei kosketa C-suitea?

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Does your C-suite need to know how to ‘do’ digitalisation?

The buying process is changing so radically that the selling process has to evolve with it. Service design has to be tuned to the digital market place. Efficiencies of scale change pricing structures and give birth to entirely new categories. So, how could this not touch the C-suite?

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